Tito Ortiz Says He Wants His Retirement Match in July To Be Against Forrest Griffin

I’ve always been a Tito Ortiz fan ever since I saw his name in a local paper advertising him to ref a a No-Holds fight in 1999. I didn’t see Tito Ortiz’s name, all I saw was “The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” in big bright, orange letters that just captivated me. That was my first exposure to Tito. Today, the “Bad Boy” moniker has now been replaced with “The People’s Champ”, he’s been out and in the UFC, he’s issued excuses for almost all his fights(remember the cracked skull excuse? and he’s married a former porn starlet.

After all that, I’m still a fan of Tito but I’m also glad he is going to hang them up after this fight. I just hope Dana White gives Tito was last wish and gives him Griffin to avenge his 2009 loss by decision.

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