Random Thoughts on Hero: Best of the Best


 Hero: Best of the Best(check out all the results here)

This past Saturday saw three fighters get a opportunity of a lifetime by winning a contract that will pay them a monthly stipend of $2500. Every fighter on the card faced more than one opponent in the cage this Saturday as the humidity created a slick surface in the cage- it was like a slip and slide. If you haven’t heard yet, the event was reminiscent of a scene in “Here Comes the Boom” where the fighters are sliding around in the cage because they can’t get their footing. It was an absolute mess and completely unfair for all fighters involved with so much at stake. I’m honestly surprised no one got seriously injured due to the conditions in the cage. Many fighters had to change their game plan due to the slippery conditions and often let their guard down during the fight in order to keep balance which left them open for punches and attacks that otherwise would have not happened if the conditions in the cage didn’t exist. The promoters were extremely apologetic and seemed visibly upset about the conditions and did everything they could that night to fix the conditions( at one point during the rounds, it seemed like 20 people were in the cage trying to mop up the slick mat), as they should be, but it still doesn’t excuse their lack of foresight in planning an outdoor event. After all, they are the ones who booked the outdoor event.

Another issue with the event was the huge net that obstructed the view from the paying audience. Not too sure why the net couldn’t come down to accommodate those in attendance but if another event is planned for the White Wing Stadium, I would highly recommend taking it down to give the best viewing experience possible.  In addition to the net, another issue I had with the event was the signing of the check. I’ve heard from various people that attended the event that they are still confused on the details of the contract. While it made for a great visual, it gives the wrong impression that the fighters are going to be getting $50k check that night, which is not the case at all. The fighters will have to earn that $50k by defending their title 4 times a year, that is that if they are successful in their title defenses. Also, 4 times a year is a bit ambitious considering injuries, opponents not making weight, the fighter losing the title and a whole slew of variables that can throw a monkey wrench in their title defense plans. I would suspect though that the fighters that signed the contract will not be able to fight for other promotions unless given permission by the promoters. Which would be a smart move on the promotion in order to preserve their fighter and the prestige of the title . It wouldn’t look good if a title holder losses outside the promotion.

Here are some more random thoughts in bullet form:

-Cody Williams has a chin made out of granite. DJ Fuentes delivered some devastating uppercuts that rocked Williams but did not knock him out. Many of the uppercuts were due to Williams slipping and running into Fuentes’ fist.

-Speaking of Williams/Fuentes, what a awesome fight given the conditions. I would love to see these two lock up again in the future to see who can prevail given more favorable conditions.

-I personally believe that Arthur Booker won his bout with Luis Vega.

-Maybe I’m the only one, but I’m getting tired of the gimmick announcer. He screams too loud for my liking and seems like he enjoys putting himself over more than the event.

-I love the catwalk that the promotion brings to its events. It gives the event a different feel and looks pretty neat to see the fighters square up before the event starts. Reminds me of the 1989 “Best of the Best” film where the fighters do the same thing.

-Were Eduardo and I the only ones who recognized that Hero was/is a Japanese MMA promotion?

-Edward Wittern is one scary dude and looked like a beast in his pro debut. He took the fight on a weeks notice and would love to see what he can do with a full camp. Keep an eye out for him.

-Randy McCarty has some serious dance moves and i was surprised that he didn’t slip when he started to dance when he entered the cage.

-I also believe that McCarty won this fight as well, no disrespect to Spann, but he gassed way too early and didn’t do much, in my eyes, to win the fight.

-Luke Flores’ kneebar was a thing of beauty! Can’t wait to see him a in March when he fights under the STFC banner. Also, congrats on the engagement. Flores proposed to his girlfriend during his post-fight interview.

-I wonder if the girl that won the car took the money over the car. I wonder what kind of, if any tax break Charlie Clark will get on it.

-It was great to see Frank Trevino give an interview for the audience even if he didn’t have any fights in the promotion.

-Where was Nick Gonzalez? Wasn’t he scheduled to face DJ Fuentes?

-It was great seeing a lot of local talent on display rather than a bunch of out-of-towners.

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