The Gotch Special Exclusive Interview: STFC Heavyweight Fighter “El Osito” Javier Rendon



When Javier Rendon took on Vernon Davis last year in December in his pro debut he was making history as one of the first heavyweights to grace the STFC cage. He was also standing in front of crowd that out populated his hometown of Conesville, Iowa which has a population of 432. While Rendon comes from a small town, the 6-foot-4, 265 pound heavyweight is anything but small. Hence, the nickname “Osito” which means bear if you are not hip to Spanish. Rendon is equipped with a decorated amateur wrestling background from the Mecca of amateur wrestling- Iowa. His credentials include a  fourth place finish at the Iowa state championships when he was a junior and was a state runner up in his senior year.

Since his pro debut, the 21-year-old Rendon has been keeping busy with his academic goals and traveling the Texas MMA circuit with Coaches Armando Ponce(GB Brown Belt) and Danny Garza(GB Blue Belt) of STC BBJ/Boxing. He wasted no time getting back into the cage when 2013 came around and punched the undefeated Sammy Smith into submission ending Smith’s streak in the first round in January for Big Dawg Promotions. Juan Torres would be the next undefeated fighter at 1-0 who would meet the same fate Smith had but by way of split decision for the same promotion.

Osito’s next fight will be against debuting Joel Castillo at STFC: Mayhem May 24th at the McAllen Convention Center and when he walks in the cage for the fourth time in his pro career, 2nd in the STFC cage, he will have the backing of The Gotch Special. We here at The Gotch Special  are very excited to announce that we are sponsoring the up and comer for STFC: Mayhem. We recently had a chance to talk to the newly TGS sponsored Rendon to talk about his background, Olympic wrestling and plenty more in this exclusive interview.


Why yes,  That is Rendon Preforming The Gotch Special

Why yes, That is Rendon Preforming The Gotch Special

TGS: Tell us a little about yourself

Rendon: My name is Javier Rendon, I grew up in Conesville, Iowa and have been I’ve been living in Mcallen for about a year and half now. I’ve been training MMA down here for about a year now.

TGS: Was there anything that drew you to MMA?

 Rendon:  I was always in wrestling when I was a little kid…started when I was 5 or 6 years old.

TGS: So how do you feel about wrestling no longer being in the Olympics?

Rendon: Ah that’s kinda of disappointing  For me, Olympic wrestling wasn’t a big thing for me, I always liked to watch it but I had a lot of friends growing up who were really into it. you know, its disappointing that they are getting rid of one of the oldest and original sports of the games.

TGS: did you have any MMA influences or favorite fighters?

Rendon: My favorite fighter was probably Chuck Liddel. I remember the first time I saw MMA was the first season of The Ultimate Fighter. The Griffin/Bonnar fight was crazy. When i was watching i was thinking “Man, this is awesome. This is insane.” And that’s when I really started to pay attention to MMA.

TGS: Did you start training afterwards?

Rendon: I was in high school during that time and i woiuld always watch it so once I got out of high school I kinda decided that I wanted to try so that’s how started.

TGS: When you came down, how did you hook up with Mando as your MMA Trainer?

Rendon: I was going to school at STC and I was just looking for a gym to work out and get in shape. i came by and seen they had Jiu Jitsu so I started doing the bjj here and then Danny Garza also has boxing here, so we did both. Then I told them i wanted to get another MMA fight and then we started working specifically on MMA.

TGS: How many fight did you have in Iowa?

Rendon: Yeah, I had 3 amateur fights in Iowa for CAGESTUFF. That was the promotion I fought for..

TGS: Thats what it was called, CAGESTUFF?

Rendon: (laughs) Yeah.

TGS: Do they still run shows?
Rendon: They don’t have anymore shows but back then they had a few shows but they;ve shut down since

TGS: So pretty much you just told Mando you want to fight and see what you can do?Rendon: Yeah, cause I’ve been looking for amateur fights and a couple of them fell through. Mando just said we’ll keep training and well see if we can get you into STFC. That’s when I got my opportunity there.

TGS: That leads me to my next question, how are is it for you to get a fight? Since the heavyweight division down here isn’t really established..its more of the 135lbers, 155lbers and so on

Rendon: Right. It was tough, like i said the amteur fights were really hard. I would get a fight and then guys would end up..something happened and they wouldn’t end up fighting. so thats why recently, we’ve traveled to the houston area to get some fights with bigger guys. Thats why we have been fighting the last two fights have been there

TGS: how have you been doing in those fights?
Rendon: Good. the first fight we had up there we won submission via strikes. The last fight in march i won by split decision.

TGS: which is the fight were the guy was telling you to stand with him at the end of the fight?
Rendon: (with a smile) the one where i beat him by submission via strikes

TGS: Does that bother you ?
Rendon: No, he can say whatever he wants. He just justifying his lose, if that’s what he wants to do that’s alright.

TGS: Who is your nexty opponent for May 24th?
Rendon: His name is Joel Castillo and he traines at ultrafit mma

TGS: Any thoughts on him? I heard through the grapevine he was planning to drop you on your head?
Rendon: Yeah, somebody had told me about that and I really dont know. its good he has confidence. so atleast he;ll go out there an put up a good fight . Im really not focued on the talking, you kow. i just wanna go in there an dput my work in.

TGS: Is there anybody down here you would want to fight in the future?
Rendon: No, whoever STFC wants me to fight. or whoever I can get a fight with in the other promtion. I’ve been fighting with Big Dawg promotions-whoever they want me to fight I’m game.

TGS: How was your wrestling career in Iowa?

Rendon: In Iowa, my junior I placed fourth in the state tournament. My senior year I was the runner up and I placed in a national tournament when i was a sophomore .USA Folkstyle cadet-I was an All American and  I placed 6th. I had an alright amateur career not decorated as some guys though.

TGS: How many fights you loking at getting thisyear?

Rendon: As many as i can get. If i can get 6,7 8…however many I can get.

TGS: Cool, well that concludes the interview, would you like to give anybody shootouts?


  • STC BJJ and Boxing
  • Vitamin Shack for sponsoring me with supplements.
  • Leo Salazar
  • Val Tex Realty
  • Omar Sanchez, Energy Gauging
  • Rigo Lopez of  Weslaco Wings and rings
  • and


Tickets can be purchased at the Mcallen Convention Center for STFC: Mayhem, which I would recommend since Ticketmaster adds a gang of fees but you can still purchase them via Ticketmaster by clicking here. STFC is also running a $5 off promotion for STC and UTPA students.


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